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Muscular Endurance > Pushups

This is one of my favorite workouts; always has been and always will be. By using different variations, you will fully exercise your chest, arms, and shoulders. I describe a few of the variations, but there are many, many more. More explosive varieties of pushups can be used for developing fast force strength. The focus of this routine, however, is muscular endurance. Keep a nice steady cadence with a full range of motion.

Regular Pushups: Standard position, arms slightly more than shoulder width apart, torso straight, knees off the floor. Good steady motion and touch your chest to the floor for a good range of motion. If you want to increase your range of motion, elevate yourself by placing dumbbells in each hand. You can then lower yourself farther.

Wide Grip Pushups: Place your hands far to your sides.

Diamond Pushups: Place your hands together so that they form a diamond. Your hands should be underneath your sternum.

Diamond Pushups

Pushups with Hands at Waist Level: Place your hands underneath your waist and lean forward. Consider elevating your feet by placing them on a bench.

Waist Level Pushups

Superman Pushups: Place your hands on the floor in front of your head as though you were Superman flying. When you push your self up, it will work your core, especially your lower back. If you place your hands too far forward, you may place undue stress on your lumbar region. So be careful.

Hindu Pushups: Start in a regular pushup position but then lift your rear end up high into the air bringing your feet closer to your head. Swoop down to the floor like a dive bomber with your head leading the way. Your head will travel along the floor and then go back up to the sky. While your head is up high, the front of your pelvis will be close to the floor, with your back arched. You then push back into your original position by rounding your back and lifting your rear end up high.

Hindu Pushup 1
Hindu Pushup 2
Hindu Pushup 3

One Arm and Fingertip Pushups: Don't like them. Don't do them. One arm pushups twist my spine and fingertip pushups hurt my finger joints.

Handstand Pushups (Jackknife pushups can be substituted): Go into a handstand position with the back of your feet leaning against the wall. Lower yourself until your nose almost touches the floor. Whiteboard

Gene Tunney

To enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise.


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