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Explosiveness (Fast Force Strength)

Explosiveness is the ability to exert force rapidly. It is the type of power needed in many sports. It is also good to have explosive strength in life because it is most likely the type of strength needed during an emergency.

Given that the program is based on caring for our bodies as we age, I don't advocate any movements that might be destructive to the joints. Hence, I am not a fan of plyometrics, also called jump training. Instead, I prefer for instance, to take a medium weight, and lift it by shoving it. Performing explosive movements repeatedly will also have an HIIT-type benefit for heart and lung capacity.

When performing an explosiveness routine, I try to work most all major groups by choosing an array of exercises. I find that one set per exercise is enough. Too many sets can cause injury. For each exercise, explode with reasonable force. Between movements, come to a complete stop of at least two seconds to eliminate momentum.

When choosing a dumbbell weight, you may want to experiment between light and heavy. My preference is to choose the heaviest weight that I can still lift explosively. If a weight is so heavy that you must struggle to lift it, then it is much too heavy for explosiveness drills.

Listed below are examples of movements that avail explosiveness training:

Dumbbell Presses: Lift a medium weight dumbbell to shoulder height. Now, instead of merely pressing it overhead, shove it into the air with as much force as possible. Perform the movement until you are fatigued.

Dumbbell Rows: Take the same dumbbell that you used for presses and perform explosive bent over rows and standing side rows.

Pushups: Do the pushup with so much force that you throw your entire body into the air.

Pullups: Pull yourself up rapidly with all the explosive force that is within you.

Air Squats: You can do an explosive squat without actually jumping far off the ground. Spring up from the down position. Imagine in your mind that there is a restraining force above you that you must resist by exploding into it. You could also experiment with holding dumbbells while doing the squat.

Explosive Calf Raises: Similar to a regular calf raise, use your toes and the balls of your feet to throw yourself upwards. Whiteboard

Aulus Cornelius Celsus

Exercise, because the body is weakened by inactivity while it is strengthened by activity, the first produces premature old age, the latter prolongs youth.