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Muscular Endurance > Abs

Four great exercises for the abdominals (Note: I don't do a single ab workout. I intersperse these exercises among my various routines.)

Hanging Leg Raises:

Hanging Leg Raises

Weighted Crunches:

Weighted Crunches

Kickups: Roll onto your upper back and shoulders as you extend your feet straight into the air. Your hips will be raised off the ground. Point your toes toward the ceiling and kick upward. It will work your upper abs.


Ab Roller: Whether on your knees or on the tips of your toes, roll out as long as the pressure is on your abdominals. Don't go further and stress your lumbar region.

Ab Roller Whiteboard

Jack LaLanne

I'm going to be ninety in September. Everybody else can have a piece of the birthday cake, but not me. I have rules, and I follow 'em. No cake, no pie, no candy, no ice cream! Haven't had any in seventy-five years. It makes me feel great not eating birthday cake. That's the gift I give myself.


Live life to the fullest for as long as you can!

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